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The Epiphany, or the Manifestation of the Lord, called in
We can ask Jesus what the kings have brought him, and he will answer: gold, frankincense, and myrrh. But there is something
that nobody ever asks. Do you know what it is? What have the Kings brought, not
to Jesus, but to the Kings themselves? The answer can be very simple: The joy of
contemplating that newborn, to see the smile on his face, the joy of Mary, and
although the evangelist doesn’t tell us, the joy of
We can ask ourselves for the reason behind the smile of the baby Jesus,
the joy of Mary and Joseph. We find the answer in today’s gospel: the
adoration of Jesus by the magi.
Those magi from far away lands, from the East, we do not know exactly
where from, on seeing a star - which was the manifestation from God, that the
King of the Jews, the Messiah, had been born - set out looking for Jesus. The
magi, guided by the light of the star, undertake a great pilgrimage to find and
adore the Messiah King. If they had stayed at home they wouldn’t have found
Jesus. The trip was
hard and with many difficulties, until Herod, a sinful
and evil king, indicated the way to them.
This is the first lesson that we can learn: To look for Jesus with
perseverance, in spite of the difficulties that we may find. The Christian life
means carrying the Cross.
Let us continue. On arriving at
The ancient Church Fathers explain it in a very suggestive way. The wise
men from the East discover Christ who is Wisdom, and Mary, who is the throne of
Wisdom. They adore the God made man, whom Mary presents to them, and they offer
their gifts to him. They offer
gold of royalty, the incense of divinity and
the myrrh of Redemption. The magi are the first to believe among the foreign
peoples. They are the first pagans who see Jesus. If on Christmas day he was
adored by the shepherds, who were Jews, today he is adored by the magi, who
were not Jews. From that day on, thousands and thousands of Jews and non-Jews, us
among them, adore that infant born of Mary, who is God and man.
I would like to emphasize the expression "to adore". To adore
generally means to recognize a person as superior. In
religious sense, it is
to recognize God as our creator, origin and final term of our existence, and
Jesus as our Lord, our Saviour and the Redeemer of the world. To adore Jesus
it is necessary that the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth, illuminates at the
same time, the face of Christ and our eyes, so that we may be able to recognize
in this child born of Mary, our God, our friend, our Salvador and our Redeemer.
To adore Jesus is to recognize that he loves us and that we also love him:
"Love with love is paid".
Finally, the magi, advised in a dream of Herod’s bad intentions, return
to their country by another way. As the shepherds
in Saint Luke's Gospel,
the magi are the first foreigners who become messengers of what they have seen,
and proclaim the wonders of God. Everyone who knows Jesus Christ, becomes his
disciple and apostle of his Gospel.
Saint Leo says that we Christians must be the star that leads to the
I wish for you a good day of the Epiphany.