We have just heard a story full of tenderness and innocence. As if Saint Matthew wanted some children, or some very humble people, to understand very important things, thus explaining it to them in the easiest way possible, with a very interesting narration, as a mother tells a story to her children, I would say. This so beautiful and tender story if full of lessons on the way to look for Jesus and on the way to find him, and on who Jesus is for us.

What did the magi do to find Jesus? They set out on a journey. They went to look for him, encountering many difficulties along the way. In those times, travelling was more difficult than it is today. To travel was very hard, and specially travelling from the Orient to Jerusalem. They found Jesus because they set out on a journey, and left behind many comforts at home. If they had not left their homes, they would have not found him.

Whoever wants to find Jesus, he or she must look for him. If you don’t look for him you don’t find him. Our God is a hidden God that we have to discover in the course of our life. God manifests Himself, as He did to the magi, but we must be able to see the manifestations of God.

They used science to find Jesus. They were erudite men and they knew that that star was the signal of the birth of the King of the Jews. Science took to them to Jesus.

Many people have found God through study. On contemplating the wonders of creation, the firmament, the stars, the seas and the mountains, they have seen the hand of God in these wonders, as the magi saw the hand of God in that star rising in east.

The study of the Word of God, that we find in the Bible, will also lead us to know Jesus. The magi found out where the King of the Jews had been born by the prophecy of Micah: And you, Bethlehem, land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; since from you shall come a ruler, who is to shepherd my people Israel (Mt 2:6). In every home there should be a Bible to be read and to illuminate the whole life of the Christian.

The magi used the help of men to find Jesus; and not the help of a good man but that of an evil one, Herod. We Christians, to come to know Jesus, we also have to count on the help of men. We have to count, for example, on the teachings of the Holy Father, the Pope. Some Christians lament the disorientation inside the Church, mainly on confession and some moral norms. When I am asked on this issue, my answer is always: “What does the Church officially say, and not some priest, bishop, or private lay person”. Now we have the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which I recommend to you, where you may consult on some present issues such as: Euthanasia, birth control, capital punishment, taxes, the lack of Church attendance, the need for Confession, etc...

In order to find Jesus, we don’t have a star, as the magi did, but we have the Holy Spirit instead, who lives in us through Baptism as Saint Paul reminds us: Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?  (1Cor 3:16). How many times don’t we hear the voice of the Holy Spirit in our interior, calling us to a more perfect life, or to confession, or to perform a good deed, especially in this Christmas season?

The magi rejoiced on seeing Jesus and his mother Mary. Every year the magi bring joy to us. The celebration of Kings is, perhaps, the happiest celebration of the year (in Spain), and not only for the children, but also for the grown-ups. If we did a survey on the characters who have contributed more to joy in the world, without a doubt these would be the magi.

The magi looked for Jesus, they found him and they returned home full of joy. We have come to Church to find Jesus. I hope that we return home, as the magi did, full of joy for having found Jesus in this Eucharist and in this encounter with our brothers and sisters in the faith.

I wish you a good Kings Day.