Today we celebrate, my brothers and sisters, one of the happiest celebrations of the whole year: the celebration of Kings, as it is popularly known (in Spain), or, as we say in the liturgy: the celebration of the Epiphany, which means manifestation. On Christmas day, Jesus manifested himself to the people of Israel, in the shepherds. In the gospel that we have just read, Jesus manifests himself to all humanity in these magi come from the East. Today, Jesus manifests himself to all of us.

I would like to present to you how the magi looked for Jesus and how they found him, so that it may serve as an example of how we have to look for him and of the sure way we will find him, as they did.

Who were the magi? They were wise men who dedicated themselves to Astrology. In their study of the stars, they discovered an extraordinary star indicating to them the birth of the King of the Jews. We must also discover the Lord in the place and in the work where He has put us. The flower comes out where the tree is planted, and Saint Theresa would say that "among the stews is the Lord found".

They saw the star and they set out on a journey. It was not easy to go on a long journey in those times, but they did not doubt leaving their comforts and undertaking such an exhausting journey. Surely other people saw the star and stayed comfortably at home; but not them! Two very different attitudes are deduced here. We do not see any star, but we feel the inspiration of the Holy Spirit calling us to follow the Lord with more generosity or to do a good work.

They set out on their journey trusting that the Lord would help them. And he certainly did. When they found themselves disoriented in Jerusalem, while asking where the King of the Jews had been born, God used Herod, precisely a bad man, to indicate to them the way to Bethlehem: Assembling all the chief priests and the scribes of the people, he inquired of them where the Messiah was to be born. They said to him, "In Bethlehem of Judea, for thus it has been written through the prophet: “And you, Bethlehem, land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; since from you shall come a ruler, who is to shepherd my people Israel” (Mt 2:4-6).

In our life, we also go through tribulations and, often, we have faith doubts and are disoriented. Le us put ourselves in the hands of God and He will give us light, as he gave it to the magi, and He will indicate to us the way that we must follow.

They set out on their journey and they were persevering. The star disappeared and they continued towards Jerusalem where they found, not a star, but a man, whom God used as their star. We too, in our spiritual life, need men not to lose the way that leads to heaven. One of these persons can be the spiritual director, the Holy Father through his writings, or a friend who can give a good advice.

When leaving Jerusalem, they again saw the star that they had seen at its rising preceding them, until it came and stopped over the place where the child was. They were overjoyed at seeing the star (Mt 2:9-10). In our Christian life, when you have finished doing a good work, or you come out of a doubt or you have made a good confession, you also have in your interior an immense joy for having fulfilled the will of the Lord.

When they arrived at Bethlehem and entered the house (no longer were they in a stable), they found the child with his mother: They prostrated themselves and did him homage. Then they opened their treasures and offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh (Mt 2:11). They were able to recognize his royalty and they offered gold to him as King, incense as God, and myrrh as man. We too, if we know to look for Jesus like the magi did, we will be able to recognize his royalty, his divinity and his humanity, specially at the moment of going to receive communion. Our faith teaches us that that Jesus the magi adored is the same Jesus that we have in the Eucharist.

The magi found not only Jesus, but they also found Mary. Whoever looks for Jesus, also finds Mary; and, likewise, whoever looks for Mary, also finds Jesus. It is impossible to separate the two.

Mary received the gifts of the magi: gold, frankincense and myrrh. May Mary also receive our intentions to look for Jesus. May she help us not to be discouraged in difficulties; may she lead us to Jesus, as the star guided the magi to Bethlehem; and may she teach us to worship Him.

Let us finish by asking ourselves: What may the Kings bring us? My answer is that they may bring us fidelity to follow our Christian vocation, to know to find Jesus, as they knew to find Him.

 I wish you a good Kings’ day.